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$ 100

Seven Birthdays; or, The Children of Fortune.
Knox, Kathleen. [Kate Greenaway, Illustrator].
London: [1875], Griffin and Farran.
First Edition. 223 plus 23 pp catalogue. Softcover. 12mo, 17 x 12,5 cm.
Illustrated: Illustrations by Kate Greeneway, Illustrator.
[Children's Books]
With two hand coloured full page engravings and 1 drawing in the text by Kate Greeneway. Decorations, gilt edged. Contains a story each to "Monday's Child is fair of face, Tuesday's child is full of grace" etc. Very scarce.
The book lacks the cover and preliminaries including title page. The first page, A, contains the poem with the children of the days. The rest is complete. Priced according to poor condition. Project for nice custom binding!

ID: 991889

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